Property management is a demanding industry. Among its most important aspects is communication with tenants, prospective tenants, staff, contractors and third parties. On the operations side, property managers manage their own never-ending to-do lists as well as additional tasks that must be delegated or outsourced. There are also unpredictable factors such as transit, weather and building issues, which all have to be attended to while maintaining the standards of living that tenants expect. Dealing with third-parties adds even more potential for uncertainty and delays.

The good news is that automated property management can work wonders for communication, service and security, as well as both daily and long-term operations. Here’s how:

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Engagement for All

Ameniti’s best-in-class solutions offer omnichannel communication between tenants, staff, management and third parties. A simplified, automated opt-in process makes it easy to engage with anyone, either via SMS or a link sent through another channel. Engagement is supplemented by QR codes, which can be posted anywhere in the building to serve visitors.

Once users engage, they can switch channels at any time. Despite the wide variety of channel options, building management can view all conversations in the Ameniti Tool at any time. This includes transcripts of all interactions across SMS, voice assistants, phone calls and more. (14).gif

The Tenant Experience

Property managers and staff spend a great deal of time answering questions about the buildings they operate. Automated answers save them time and workload, while improving customer service with instant answers. Seamless, automated handovers to the right staff member, as well as manual staff intervention, are available at any time. 

The same is true for request management. Ameniti’s Automatic Ticketing detects issues and creates tickets through AI analysis of tenant conversations. Tickets are automatically assigned to the right staff member or third party, so tenants know their needs are being met. 

For example, if a tenant’s dishwasher is broken, he sends a message to his building’s automated property management system. After confirmation, that message creates a ticket, and an alert is sent to the person responsible for repairs. This is all done with no staff intervention. Once the repair is complete, the ticket can be easily marked as resolved. This is an enormous improvement on the constant back-and-forth that typically occurs via text, email, and phone.

Right now, it's especially important to provide up-to-date information to tenants. Whether its changes to safety policies, scheduled elevator closures or maintenance updates, Ameniti is the best way to share information. Building management can alert tenants with simplified mass notifications, and reach them no matter where they are. This could mean never posting a notice in the lobby or elevator again!


Behind the Scenes: Day-To-Day Task Management 

Automated property management can also help building staff organize the countless tasks that need to be completed each day, week, month and year.

It starts with task creation. Ameniti’s property automation system automatically creates daily checklists and distributes them to all staff members. After initial input from management, AI independently adds tasks as needed. For example, if rain is in the forecast and the building’s roof is prone to leaks, Ameniti creates a task for a superintendent to check on it throughout the day. Or, if there is an inspection coming up, Ameniti can create a task to schedule that inspection. Ameniti always takes timing and task importance into account, shifting lower priority tasks to future days if necessary.

The second piece of the puzzle is task completion monitoring. Staff check items off as they are completed, with real-time updates in the Ameniti Tool. If tasks are not checked off by a certain time, Ameniti automatically sends messages to staff to verify whether or not the tasks have been completed.

At the end of each day, the Property Manager receives an SMS detailing any problems. The Property Manager can also use the tool to track staff performance and more detailed information.


Behind the Scenes: General Maintenance

What makes Ameniti’s solutions stand out is their comprehensive scope. We include options not only for tenants and staff, but also for third parties.

Ameniti automatically handles every aspect of the maintenance process, from quote uploads to inspection sign-off, scheduling and more. We send outbound notifications when materials are required from contractors, and make it easy for them to upload the information you need, minimizing back and forth communication.

In the Maintenance Tab of the Ameniti Tool, management can view all interactions with vendors and contractors, as well as communicate with these third parties, all in one convenient place. We know firsthand the importance of organization, so we’ve made each project’s relevant details easy to find in the Tool. This includes documentation, meeting times and notes.

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Zero-Touch Intercom

Ameniti’s building offerings guarantee both security and convenience through Zero-Touch Intercom. This is an app-free, QR-powered solution that allows tenants and staff to answer the door and admit visitors - whether they are in the building or out and about - using their mobile devices.

Zero-Touch Intercom delivers intuitive use for tenants, guests, deliveries and management. It also provides customizable options for scheduling one-time and recurring access to certain visitors. This is the simplest way to ensure safety, while avoiding the headaches of admitting visitors and coordinating deliveries.

Want to learn more about implementing automated property management for your business? Let us know what your needs are, and we’ll be happy to help!


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