How Voice Assistants are Changing in 2021


Anyone can use Google Assistant to make daily tasks easier. As a channel, voice delivers unprecedented convenience in many everyday situations.

Businesses Already Have Their Own Assistants - Now, Enjoy One Built Especially for You

Now, you can take advantage of your very own assistant that understands your preferences and behavior. Think of how useful C-3PO was in the Star Wars movies!

An Exclusive Experience

Imagine a digital personal assistant that learns from and grows with your unique needs. It will train itself to anticipate your habits and desires, helping you keep up with your day-to-day life. This includes everything from arranging services to shopping. Your personal voice assistant can interact with other business or other personal assistants for you - and even complete those pesky, behind-the-scenes customer service interactions with large companies.

Privacy First

Your personal assistant isn’t simply the customization of an existing voice assistant like Google Assistant or Alexa. It’s a complete assistant, built just for you, that keeps your data totally private.

What Your Assistant Can Do for You Now

Together with VoiceAuth0, Ameniti has developed an assistant that will become an extension of you, after learning about your behavior and preferences. It authenticates your identity for voice assistants, provides the convenience of a 100% voice experience without logging into a website or app, and keeps your data secure. This is no small feat.

As we find partners to deliver this wonderful experience, we suggest trying secure voice identification with one of our in-house solutions. It will help you to better understand the utility and privacy of this service.

Your New (Old) Intercom

The first phase of these emerging assistants is giving new life to your current intercom. Visitors will have the ability to ring your residential or commercial unit using their Google Assistant app. This is where your personal assistant comes in, identifying you against other applications without sharing any data. Google and your visitors will never have access to your cell number or any other data.

Welcome to the Future

C3PO was an android designed to carry out tasks for humans, and he mastered six million forms of communication in order to do so. For the moment, Ameniti manages communication via messaging, calls and other assistants. This is just the beginning.

The future is here. Start using your personalized voice assistant now to bring an unprecedented level of convenience to your everyday life.


What Voice Authentication Means for You


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